Monday, 24 September 2012

Practical Stuff

Here's the 'boring' practical stuff I bought at Miniatura yesterday for Bentleys.

The big black object on the right is a magnifying glass on a stand with a few LED lights.  I hope it helps when I am doing fiddly little things like trying to thread chain onto jump rings!  It came from S & M Tools.  This is a really great seller if you are looking for anything in the way of tools for your hobby.  The best prices I have seen anywhere.  I also got the double ended 'dental' pick from them for just a pound.

The paper is some instructions for making green plants from masking tape - that should make interesting reading when I come to do it.  I want a couple of parlour palms or something large for the corner of the Salon and sitting room and they are very expensive to buy.  This came from The Miniature Garden Centre. This lady does flower making kits of every kind. The other thing she has which are just beautiful are many, many plants pots.  Whatever you want I am sure she will have it and, even better, you will be able to buy it mossy and aged if you like.

In the fabrics line I got some lace, some silk for curtains probably, some Hessian because I thought I might have a go at making baskets with it and some furniture foam.  There are five nice thin pieces of foam in this (black) pack.

Under the stuff on the left is a piece of mirror card.  It is lovely quality but I am a bit concerned about it being so thick - will I be able to cut it neatly and will it sit properly in the projects I want it for?

Last but not least I bought the next instalment of gravel for the roof.  I have two bags already which I discovered will only cover a postage stamp - well about five by five inches.  They cost me about four pounds off EBay after I'd paid the postage.  These lovely little bags were only fifty pence each.  I have two regrets here and I could kick myself about both of them as I still have only about a quarter of what I need to cover the roof of Bentleys.  Firstly, it was my last purchase and I had literally run out of cash;  I had one pound twenty-five left when I bought these so I could only get two.  I met my husband just outside the hall to go home and he said go back in and get some more (he'd give me some cash) and I was just too tired at four o'clock to bother.  The second and really silly thing is I don't know who I bought it from - aarrggh!

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